<ul class='productmiaoshu'><li>The padlock is widely used for a toolbox,a school locker and gym,providing protection and security from theft.</li><li>The padlock has two colors which can fit in different situations.</li><li>The shackle is preset to open on 0000 and set your own fourdigit combination which allows for thousands of possible numeric combinations.Please check the user manual carefully for combination reset instructions. TIPS: please lock it while not using it in case of messing up the combinations.</li><li>The padlock can be used in two ways, with combinations or with the master key. If you forget your combination, you will be able to open the lock with the master key and find your code so that you can reset it.</li><li>The padlock can be used in two ways, with combinations or with the master key. If you forget your combination, you will be able to open the lock with the master key and find your code so that you can reset it.</li></ul>